LIVESTREAM—The Sunday Mass at 10 a.m. and holy days, funerals at the family’s request, and special events are broadcast live then archived. Videos are accessible by clicking the appropriate link below.
• LIVE: This week’s Mass and funerals
• ARCHIVE of previous Masses
LENT HAS BEGUN. [March 9]—Please take a look in this bulletin at the two pages dedicated to the many parish Lenten offerings. Maybe even cut them out and put them in a prominent place at home to remind you of all that is happening these 40 days of prayer, sacrifice and penance. Highlights include our annual Lenten Mass and Communion Breakfast on Saturday, March 22 with Father Greg Stowe as our guest and speaker. He is a dedicated and hard working priest and Pastor of 4 parishes in West Warwick. Stations of the Cross each Friday at 10 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. followed by Lenten soup and bread supper and of course the most important part of our “Catholic diet” is morning Mass at 7:45 a.m. preceded by praying of the rosary led by our parishioners. You will also notice that the annual parish mission appeal will be here with Sister Angelina as our guest speaker at all weekend Masses on March 29‒30 to raise money for their teaching ministry. The season concludes the Friday before Holy Week with our school students inspiring us with their annual ”Living Stations of the Cross” taking us with them back to Calvary and the final hours of the Savior’s life. Our choir joins us with hymns and songs reflecting these solemn and somber days. Take a look at the many offerings and join us for as many as you can.
AN HONOR TO SERVE. On January 15 the Warwick Police Department, without my knowledge, awarded me the “Captain Michael Forde Distinguished Service Award”. It is the highlight of my 30 years as their Chaplain. Last Thursday, February 27 at City Hall “Warwick’s Bravest” the men and women of the Warwick Fire Department gave me their Meritorious Service awards for my ministry with them and care of the firefighters, their families and the citizens of Warwick. I am privileged to serve the brave men and women of these departments and their families. My thanks to Colonel Brad Connor (WPD CHIEF) and Chief Peter McMichaels (WFD CHIEF) and the award committee members for these honors. We are kept safe by night and day by them and we keep them in our daily prayers for their health and safety. Have a great Lent, a good week and God bless! –Fr. Bob Marciano
A delicious way to raise some clams for St. Kevin School! On March 18, order take-out or enjoy dinner at Chelo’s at 2225 Post Road in Warwick and 20% of your check (excluding tax and tip) will be donated to St. Kevin School. Paper certificate must be presented for credit to be applied and is only valid on the date and at the location above.
Parish Giving is a safe, secure, and easy way to support St. Kevin Parish by making your weekly budget donations online. And registering for a personal and secure online Parish Giving account is an easy way to support our parish during these confusing times.
• 98% of the collection remittance goes directly to St. Kevin’s
• Budget contributions can be automatically deducted or submitted at parishioner convenience
• Payments can be made by checking account withdrawal, debit, or credit card
• All contributions are credited to your current budget account
• Using Parish Giving helps keep down the parish’s costs of printing and mailing budget envelope
→ Find more information at Parish Giving
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