The St. Kevin Music Ministry, directed by Bryan and Maryann Barrette, provides liturgical music for Mass celebrations, wedding, funeral ceremonies, and special celebrations such as First Communion, Confirmation, and holy days. The ministry also includes a parish community choir that sings on Sundays at the 10 a.m. Mass from September through June. The choir also sings at Christmas and Easter Masses, special celebrations such as Confirmation, graduation, and at special parish concerts on Christmas and Memorial Day.
The choir is open to anyone age 15 or older who enjoys singing. Prior experience or reading of music notation are not required, only the love of music and a willingness to donate your time is needed. We also encourage those who may play an instrument and do read music to consider joining and offering their talents.
The choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings from 7 p.m. until about 8:45 p.m. We understand that life sometimes gets in the way, so if you aren’t able to attend every rehearsal and every choir Mass you are still welcome to participate! We have a lot of fun, sing some beautiful music, and make people smile. Please consider joining us!
If you are interested in participating in the St. Kevin music ministry, please come up and see us after Mass on the weekends, call us at home at (401) 737-1662, or send an email to
Joanne Lurgio, Cantor
Joanne sings at funerals and special Masses during the week. She is also a local singer/songwriter and has recorded several albums. Find out more about her at
Patti Lou Davis, Cantor
Patti Lou sings at most Sunday Masses and is available for weekend weddings. She also participates in the Norton Singers Theater group which performs Broadway-style musical productions. Visit their website at for more information.
Maryann Barrette, Cantor
Maryann sings at the 5 p.m. Vigil Mass on Saturdays and is available for weddings. She teaches English at Bishop Feehan High School in Attleboro, MA and has a busy schedule.
Bryan Barrette, Music Director
Bryan plays the keyboards at all Mass celebrations and directs the St. Kevin Choir and accompanying musicians. He retired from the RI Department of Health and now devotes full-time to the St. Kevin Music Ministry.