LIVESTREAM—The Sunday Mass at 10 a.m. and holy days, funerals at the family’s request, and special events are broadcast live then archived. Videos are accessible by clicking the appropriate link below.
• LIVE: This week’s Mass and funerals
• ARCHIVE of previous Masses

•  CCD class is canceled; students’ Mass has been postponed
•  Choir will not be singing at the 10 a.m. Mass
•  Stay up-to-date on closings and the local forecast: WPRI-TV 12 Weather  /  TurnTo10 WJAR

A SELLOUT CROWD—On Sunday, March 30 Bishop Robert Evans, our retired Auxiliary Bishop, will be here to confirm the almost 50 young people in our Confirmation program. This week our final phase of preparation of these candidates took place each weeknight as we welcomed guest speakers to help instruct our class of great talent and faith. I launched the program on Monday evening by speaking about the seven sacraments, “Outward signs instituted by Christ to give us grace.” On Tuesday, Fr. Ken, a trained expert in the liturgy of the church, asked “The Mass: Why Do We?” and on Wednesday, our good friend Fr. Lacombe led an inspiring discussion on the virtue of fortitude. He also introducing two of the saints being commemorated this week: St. Agatha, virgin and martyr, whose feast day is February 5; and St. Paul Miki and his martyr companions whose feast day is February 6. Our Confirmation Coordinator Trish Meegan was scheduled to discuss the moral issues of the day on Thursday but due to bad weather this meeting was canceled. The weeklong retreat was wrapped up on Friday evening with Mass at 6 p.m. followed by a gourmet meal of pizza from Dmitri’s Pizzeria. Our thanks to all of the guests, and to our students who will soon receive this great sacrament and assume their role as adults in the church with the privilege of serving as sponsors for baptism and confirmation. We are very proud of them and offer our prayers and support in the years ahead.

CATHOLIC CHARITY 2025 HAS BEGUN. Please note the donation envelopes for the annual Catholic Charity Fund appeal in your pews and our parish goal of $79,230. Last year was a historic success raising over $105,000 in gifts and pledges—no surprise from a parish that is always generous. Please consider making a pledge that is monthly or quarterly as this helps make the giving less strenuous on your budget and allows for more of a gift. The good news is that not only does the money raised go toward helping those in need in the diocese’s schools, agencies and other parishes, but 50% of the money we raise over our goal comes back to our parish. Please help us make and exceed our goal again this year. Have a great week and God bless!  –Fr. Bob Marciano

Parish Giving is a safe, secure, and easy way to support St. Kevin Parish by making your weekly budget donations online. And registering for a personal and secure online Parish Giving account is an easy way to support our parish during these confusing times.

•  98% of the collection remittance goes directly to St. Kevin’s
•  Budget contributions can be automatically deducted or submitted at parishioner convenience
•  Payments can be made by checking account withdrawal, debit, or credit card
•  All contributions are credited to your current budget account
•  Using Parish Giving helps keep down the parish’s costs of printing and mailing budget envelope

→ Find more information at Parish Giving

→ Print New Account Set-Up Instructions (pdf)