St. Kevin Endowment Fund (the “fund”) supports the mission of the school through annual financial distributions from prudently-invested donations. Under the direction of the pastor and with the assistance of an investment advisor; representatives from the parish’s Investment, Finance and School committees; and other members appointed by the pastor, contributions to the fund are professionally managed and invested.
The fund is comprised of contributions that are designated by donors for use by St. Kevin School and its mission-related work. Investments are recommended by the pastor to the fund’s investment advisor after review and approval by the parish’s Investment and Finance committees. Fund investments are chosen according to guidelines established by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. The fund is intended to be perpetual in purpose and use.
Fund Operations
Over its twelve-year life, the fund has distributed more than $110,000 to St. Kevin School by means of an annual distribution of 5% of the three-year average of the principal in the fund as of the end of the fiscal year. Recently, with interest rates so low, achieving 5% return on investments each year has been difficult without the fund principal declining. That is why we need your support with a one-time special donation of property or stock when the opportunity arises, or by an annual gift to the fund.
How You Can Help
As of 2016, the fund has a balance of approximately $145,000 with an annual distribution of about $7,250. Our goal is to increase that amount to at least $25,000 per year to help support school costs. In order to meet this goal, we would need a minimum of $500,000 in the fund.
There are several ways you can help:
- By remembering a deceased loved one with a memorial donation to the fund
- Naming the church or school endowment fund as a partial beneficiary when receiving inheritances or a large gift
- With planned giving to the fund e.g., when determining the distribution of your assets, consider cash, life insurance proceeds, appreciated securities, real estate, bequests, gift annuities, retirement plans, etc.
- Providing a gift of appreciated securities or other assets at year-end. Consult your financial advisor for tax purposes.
If you are considering any form of donation to the fund, please call our parish office at 401-737-2638 to begin the process.