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St. Kevin Parish Music Ministry

Patti Lou
Bryan Barrette
Patti Lou
Patti Lou Davis
Patti Lou
Joanne Lurgio

The St. Kevin Music Ministry, directed by Bryan Barrette, provides liturgical music for Mass celebrations, wedding, funeral ceremonies, and special celebrations such as First Communion, Confirmation, and holy days. The ministry also includes a parish community choir that sings on Sundays at the 10 a.m. Mass from September through June. The choir also sings at Christmas and Easter Masses, special celebrations such as Confirmation, graduation, and at special parish concerts on Christmas and Memorial Day..


Bryan Barrette, Choir Director
Bryan retired from the RI Department of Health and now devotes fulltime to the St. Kevin Music Ministry.
Patti Lou Davis, Cantor
Patti Lou sings at most Sunday masses and is available for weekend weddings. She also directs the Children and Youth choir rehearsing on Thursday evenings. Email Patti Lou for more information.
Joanne Lurgio, Cantor
Joanne sings at funerals and special masses during the week. She is also a local singer/songwriter and has recorded several albums. Find out more about Joanne
Paul Gormly, Piano
Kelly Malon, Cantor
Father and daughter Paul and Kelly play at the weekend vigil mass on Saturday at 4 p.m.

St. Kevin’s Religious Education

Mitten and Glove Drive

Students willl be collecting new mittens and gloves of all sizes for children and adults in need this Christmas season. These items will then be given to our St. Vincent de Paul Society for distribution. 

Please send items to class with your children on December 8 and 15. Parishioners can drop off donations in the box located at the school side entrance of the church.

Thank you for your generosity and Merry Christmas!

St. Kevin’s calendar



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St. Kevin Parish Music Ministry

Bryan BarretteBryan Barrette Patti Lou DavisPatti Lou Davis Joanne LurgioJoanne Lurgio

The St. Kevin Music Ministry, directed by Bryan Barrette, provides liturgical music for Mass celebrations, wedding, funeral ceremonies, and special celebrations such as First Communion, Confirmation, and holy days. The ministry also includes a parish community choir that sings on Sundays at the 10 a.m. Mass from September through June. The choir also sings at Christmas and Easter Masses, special celebrations such as Confirmation, graduation, and at special parish concerts on Christmas and Memorial Day..